Sunday, September 20, 2009

Middletown PA March 2008

The most noteworthy thing about this town is that it is the headquarters of the Middletown&Hummelstown Railroad. This is owned and operated by railfans. They are a diverse lot, mastering tools like welders, cutting torches, sand blasters, etc. I was introduced to this place by Jim Kovacs, a consulting mining engineer and a member of the Society for Industrial Archeology. He owns his own personal boxcar that he parks on a siding that he rents, as well as a half interest in a caboose. As my sons and I returned with him from an abandoned coal mine, salvaging equipment for the Society of Industrial archeology, he pointed out a drug store with a steam locomotive parked next to it. The owner is a rabid railfan who bought the locomotive to have and to hold forever. Don't know if he ever fired up the boiler but he wouldn't have far to go since the tracks did not extend beyond the locomotive.

The last time I was in Middletown was about 10 years ago. The M&H RR looks much the same, except that there seemed to be a few more rust flakes than previously. The same doctors, lawyers, engineers, etc., in grimy coveralls, working at maintaining and repairing the equipment with their own hands. This is surely a labor of love.

Middletown PA March 2008

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